
To boldly go where no man has gone before

New kid under the block - Dataedpool. Packed in another service or console app, aptly named Quark.Datapool. To describe in clear terms what it really should be is a kind of task that no man has succeeded so far, so we will for sure not try to do so, at least not for now.

For the sake of description, we will use “external actor” or “actor” as a term describing every external user of this fantastic app, and therefore we can broadly describe datapool as a system for disseminating of incident reports to actors and allowing those actors to inform other users about changes relating those incident reports.

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Blessed are the poor in spirit

5.4.0 fixes few bugs, adds some new features, but most important one (that may break existing functionality) is considering retia search default time interval.

Instead of 1 minute default, db setting has been added:

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Metrics, v3

Bigger, longer & uncut

There is a new branch tekelija#62 containing some metrics infrastructure. Links for download are at the end of the post

Metrics service is implemented as quark service therefore it can be managed using qcli command line util.


Empty configuration can be retrieved using command:

qcli generate cfg metrics

Following structure should be returned:

  "metrics": {
    "active": 0,
    "appPerformanceMeters": false,
    "influxDbUri": null,
    "intervalToSend": null,
    "sysPerformanceMeters": false,
    "tag": {
      "application": null,
      "host": null,
      "region": null
    "textReportPath": null
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